How Much Should you Pay??
Any products price is determined by how much it is worth to you preventing painful expensive slip/falls. Slip/falls ranks very high and some companies will exploit this. Slip Tech is and has always been $40/gallon. In the early days (1980’s to the 1990’s) prices of our competitors were over $100/gallon. Slip Tech has forced them to reduce their prices, to where it is about $80/gallon. Still far too much for a jug that is 95% water. With Slip Tech two four ounce bottles equals what others require in a 1 gallon of product. Another cost factor is how long will the product last. Slip Tech as the longest warranty in the business. 5 years (prorated). Many of the competitors only last a year or two. Some require re-application in a matter of months. The longer the product lasts the less expensive it is to you. Many Slip Tech customers have not needed a re-application in 10-15 years. Considering the cost of a Slip Tech application .20/sf, the worth of the product is insignificant.
Remember we are not just trying to sell you chemical. Upfront tests will show you how well it works and introduces the concept of variable strength for your specific floor. The free sample consists of a four ounce bottle pre-mixed at 5:1. At first, mix a sample 50/50 with water and use the brush provided. Using an area of 6" x 12" apply the solution and rub in all directions for one minute. Rinse and test. This will show you how effective Slip Tech is and help you determine what strength and dwell time you require. Two minutes is more effective than one minute, 3 minutes is more effective than 2 minutes and so on....
If you are still considering the competition, ask them for their free sample. We want you to compare with any other product. If they don't offer you a free sample - ask "why not". It is your right to get the best chemical.