SLIP TECH ranks the highest!
In 1986 Slip Tech started a company that is now a whole industry. There are many companies competing for your business. There is one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Not to mention being contractors for almost 30 years. Our product cannot be duplicated, as the above graph clearly shows. Slip Doctors - Trusty Slip - Invisatread - Johnny Grip and so on do not compare to Slip Tech.
Insurance companies are very
concerned that you use the best chemicals and strengths for your job. They have
tested all the big names in the anti slip market. SLIP TECH out performed all
the products by far. Some competitors give your their own test results by some
inexpensive unapproved test machine that does not hold up in court. The
insurance industry uses the only approved test equipment and testing methods.
The only approved testing machine is over $5,000 (not $500) and follow strict
scientific procedures. Insurance companies are certainly not biased in their
SLIP TECH for your piece of mind. Most no slip companies just want to sell you
chemicals with no actual on the job experience. SLIP TECH actually started the
industry 30 years ago and has many copycat knockoff's over the years. Today
there are over 20 companies that SLIP TECH started in 1985. As a matter of
fact, there are a half a dozen companies who use our name SLIP TECH.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Some day our attorneys
will straighten them out, but for now we will take it as a compliment.